Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Learning Blog One: Delicious

The website ‘delicious’ is a social book-marking site which enables you to create internet based bookmarks (much like ones that you can create from a desktop) which can be accessed by yourself from any computer or which others can find. The site delicious enables you to search using keywords for sites that others have book marked. One disadvantage I found with this site was the necessity for a Yahoo email address thus adding to the long list of email addresses I currently have in order use to certain web based applications and for my personal and professional use. Delicious suggests that you can still set up an account using another email provider however I was unable to do this and was forced to create an account with Yahoo. The concept of this facility suggests that it would make it more time efficient to search the internet for sites on specific topics however for the purpose of my research project I found this was not the case. I searched a number of key words relating to my topic which centred around creative dance and dance education hoping to find possible literature that I could reference and would provide useful insight into my topic however all delicious provided was websites for dance schools advertising their dance classes. I utilised delicious finding one website which referred to dancer’s nutrition which I knew one of my peers was researching and therefore booked marked the site to hopefully assist her with her project. The use of delicious was not beneficial towards my research project. I believe that delicious could be improved by being able to add descriptors to the bookmarked website e.g. advertising or academic in order to be able to quickly decipher whether the websites retrieved from the search are worth-while accessing thus making a more time efficient process.

I retain the notion that the concept of delicious sounds as though it would be a time-saving tool for searching the internet however I did not find this the case and do not consider it a research tool beneficial during the research for my project.

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